19 And How To Protect Yourself From The Outbreak

The swine flu or the H1N1 virus has become a media darling. People infected with the virus are being treated with the utmost care. Try to avoid close contact with sick people. In college, where many objects and surfaces are shared among students on campus, viruses can spread quickly. Washing your hands removes and kills viruses that may be on your hands.

If you get an E-mail telling you that your computer has been infected with a virus or you get one that of some impressive sounding technological institution that has confirmed a rampant epidemic of virus infection of one kind or another, you're probably being fooled.

The closer you are to an infected person, the more aerosols and droplets you may be exposed to. Washing your hands often is still a good idea. According to our current state of knowledge, this is the most effective way to control and further curb the spread of the new coronavirus.

Many people with the virus have symptoms similar to the flu, and having the symptoms doesn't necessarily mean you have Covid-19. The virus spreads like other viruses that cause common respiratory illnesses, such as the flu: via droplets” that are excreted by coughing, sneezing, and breathing.

It is important to note, that antibiotics will not viruses work against viruses and should not be taken to treat respiratory viruses. If you have to go to the doctor's or an emergency department because of symptoms associated with the new coronavirus, you must phone ahead.

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